My research field as senior researcher (científico titular) at the Laboratorio Nacional de FusioÌÂn (LNF) is transport procceses in fusion plasmas.
- I have contributed to many of the topics identified as crucial for the stellarator concept in the European Fusion Roadmap: energy confinement, density control, impurity accumulation, island divertors and stellarator optimization.
- I have been involved in these studies at several levels: from the development of new theories to the exploitation of new diagnostics, including the creation and use of numerical codes and the design, conduction and analysis of experiments.
- I have taken part in the exploitation of the main devices that constitute the Stellarator Heliotron Concept and the Coordinated Working Group Meeting: TJ-II, W7-X and LHD.
- For my simulations, I have achieved access to supercomputers Marconi Fusion, Helios y Mare Nostrum, and I have also contributed to the development of new supercomputing plattforms such as the grid (through the EGEE II project of the Sixth Framework Program) and to the creation of the citizen supercomputers Zivis and Ibercivis.
- In the last years, I’ve been devoted to the design of a new stellarator for the LNF.
I am a member of the EUROfusion Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination (E-TASC) scientific board, that supervises theory and modelling within EUROfusion. I am part of the TJ-II and W7-X teams (in the former, I participate in the internal committee for experimental campaigns) and I have conducted my research within the Eurofusion Work Packages S1 (“Preparation and Exploitation of W7-X Campaigns”), were I have managed up to 2018 the activity Validation of stellarator-specific theory models, and S2 (“Stellarator Optimisation”), where I have been the activity manager of the activity Basic transport theory in 2019 and 2020. Until 2018, I have been the responsible officer for the International Stellarator/Heliotron Database, and a member of the Eurofusion Database Committee. Additionally, I have coordinated a task, Fast code for the calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity (synergy tokamak and stellarator) of E-TASC. Finally, I have been the principal investigator of three projects of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific Research.
As a result of this work, I have published 95 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 18 of them as main author have published 1 paper in Nature, 1 in Nature Physics, 1 in Nature Communications and 4 in Physical Review Letters (2 as the main author). I have been an invited speaker twice at the International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop, at the EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and at the European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC), and once at the Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics. At the EPS and at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, I have also been a contributed speaker. I am a member of the Scientific Programme Committee responsible for the EFTC.
Short curriculum vitae: PDF
ResearcherID: F-9486-2012.
Orcid: 0000-0001-8510-1422.
Google Scholar: José Luis Velasco Garasa.